Three Huitt-Zollars projects were recognized for excellence by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Texas for 2022. Huitt-Zollars received two ACEC Texas Engineering Excellence Gold Medal Awards in the Water Resources category for the Caruth Park Underground Detention project and Transportation category for the CapMetro North Operations Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Yard project. A Silver Medal Award in the Studies, Research, and Consulting Engineering Services category was also awarded for the TxDOT State-Wide Architecture As-Built Survey – Phase 1 Pilot Program project. The awards were presented to the project teams at the ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards Banquet held on March 28, in San Antonio, Texas. Congratulations to the project teams for their outstanding contributions!
Caruth Park Underground Detention Project - Huitt-Zollars was hired by the city to develop a Stormwater Master Plan for the Upper Turtle Creek Basin A. The project was completed in November of 2022 and the capacity of the City’s stormwater system increased by 11-acre feet, equating to just over 3.5 million gallons. Click here to read more.
North Operations Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Yard - As part of their Zero Emission Electric Bus Initiative, CapMetro partnered with Huitt-Zollars, to design the infrastructure needed to introduce and house the Agency’s new and growing fleet of electric buses. The new North Operations battery electric bus (BEB) yard is able to support charging capacity for nearly 200 electric buses. Click here to read more.
State Wide Architecture As-Built Survey – Phase 1 Pilot Program - Huitt-Zollars was selected by TxDOT to provide architectural as-built digital scan surveys (virtual reality capture) and spatial Revit BIM modeling of three TxDOT campuses, encompassing 33 buildings and approximately 175,000 square feet. Click here to read more.